
Today was my first day at my Arcadia - ethical sourcing placement.

Not sure what i am supposed to keep confidential..but if you had any doubt that Arcadia are not ethical you are wrong!

Every factory that they use has to be audited, and this isnt some airy fairy audit, it is a 20 page, detailed document that has to be split into around 8 sections according to their code of conduct. If any problems are found, they are then split into 4 colour coded sections which are like traffic lights, and these colours are different depending on how severe the complication is. For example child labour would be a red, and this means that this is a high priority, and they therefore have 30 days to alter/change. In 30 days, the auditors will then go back to make sure that changes have been made.

These auditors know the tricks of the trade, and they are like detectives in the way that they find out information.

Some factory owners will go as far as conviscating computer equipment so they are not found out about over-working their employees!

I will keep you posted on what i do next!

Over and out

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