Vogue: week 4

Week 3 was probably the best week of my life so far... I think the only thing that could top it is actually getting a job at Vogue! Corny I know, but when you have been reading fashion mags since you were barely old enough to read, parading your 'this season' clarks shoes round the playground and turning your nose up at friends who were wearing flat shoes with velcro straps, then you will know what I mean!

I spent most of the week returning the copious amount of clothes, shoes and accessories from the plethora of shoots that had taken place the previous week. These included brands such as Chanel, Burberry, Acne, Isabel Maurant and D&G.

Amongst the returns, two very exciting things happened this week; firstly, Laurence Dacade came to the office, and secondly there was a beauty sale!

Laurence Dacade is a fabulous shoe designer, her collections are fun, flirty and sexy. With bejewelled ankle boots to mohair platform heels I am a firm fan of her, even more so after seeing how passionate she is about her designs. Visit www.laurence-dacade.com

As for the beauty sale... Chanel lipsticks for £1, Urban Decay mascaras for £1... Delightful! I spent £22 and pretty much got all of my Christmas presents sorted. Was pure madness as interns fought with directors to bag the best bargain! 'Don't hesitate, just put it in your bag' was the advice I was given as well as 'get your elbows ready!'. You can imagine the queue for such a sale and I definitely blagged myself a few bargains!

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